Spend a lot of money, hire John Leguizamo for 20 seconds of screen time, big Hollywood camera crew and producers for a decent song that was written supposedly by Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd and Mason Levy. Nobody believes Bieber actually wrote a single lyric melody or groove production for this. It's time to end the madness. Bieber is a spokesmodel without an original thought. The great sadness is that this velveeta cheese posing as a musician songwriter is taking credit and getting paid handsomely for it. And that millions of sad dull people slavishly buy into it. No surprise that Trump was elected. This is just another sign of the Apocalypse.
Justin Bieber: What Do You Mean?
(2015 Music Video)
Lame video for a decent song Justin didn't write but takes credit for
28 January 2017