Most spaghetti western fans will probably find "Shango" to be an average example of the genre - not great, but definitely better than some. It's hobbled somewhat by a limited budget - it's clear that the movie was not shot in Spain but in Italy, and the lack of a stark and stunning backdrop brings the movie down. Other production niceties (like when it comes to Confederate soldier uniforms) also seem to a degree limited. There are also has some significant portions that come across as kind of drab and dull, especially in the first third of the movie. But there are some fairly well done action sequences along the way (the movie has a pretty high body count.) The musical score by Gianfranco Fioravanti is nice to listen to. So the movie does have some merit. Though I wouldn't say it's a must see example of the spaghetti western genre, those who really enjoy these kind of movies will likely find it to be okay.