Operation Dunkirk (2017 Video)
Don't even bother
28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
one of the worst and unrealistic war films I've ever seen in my life

First of all they were driving along in an occupied country not a care in the world pull up and the one in charge says its just on the other side of this field and they get out and walk...They were in a jeep why not drive across the field that's what they were made for. Next 5 armed soldiers on a mission that they have been told could win the war all armed, And they all stick their hands in the air for 1 resistance fighter with a shotgun. The bridge scene was a joke, After the explosion that knocked everyone down the first up were all English, All Germans were stunned for a few seconds more so what did the English do not pick up guns and kill the enemy they ran and fired as they went.This new breed of director seem to be happy with anything nowadays forgetting that its got their name on it and it will follow them
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