Thursday's Game (1974 TV Movie)
Incredibly sweet, funny, and memorable
4 August 2017
I saw this on TV in 1974. I subsequently found out it had been completed 3 years earlier, but could not be sold as a movie. Hence it was a throw-away on TV.

WHAT A SHAME! It is one of the sweetest films I have ever seen. Wilder and Newhart lead an all-star cast in a low-key, and funny story about two men who continue to "play" their Thursday night poker game, long after it ends (on a hilarious note).

Really, nothing happens in the film. It is just a story about these two men's marriages.

James Brooks wrote it. He also was responsible for As Good as it Gets, Terms of Endearment, and a lot of well-crafted TV shows. He's the real deal, and so was this film.

I finally located a VHS copy, and now have one to watch whenever I want.
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