"Cinderella Meets Fella" is an 8.5-minute cartoon from 1938, so this one will have its 80th anniversary next year. It's a production by Schlesinger and Warner Bros and you will find out about the latter in a really self-aware ending that easily could have gone wrong, but somehow instead saved the film from complete mediocrity. Before that there is not too much entertaining comedy I would say, maybe the way she calls for the fairy or leaves her shoe there. But there were also misses like the inclusion of birds, the exclusion of the bad girls except very briefly at the beginning and Prince (not so) Charming. It may have been the voice talents by Blanc and Hansen that made this one still worth seeing. The by far best component here is the looks though. It's really impressive looking at how old this is and this one puts the "golden" into the "Golden Age of Animation". I give it a thumbs overall, a cautious one though.