Twin Peaks (2017)
Sure to repel traditional watchers and please anyone looking for something different.
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't know anything about the original 1990s predecessor, I can't imagine what you'd be doing here, so let's skip all that introduction nonsense.

The new "Twin Peaks" is out, and you're most likely an old fan wanting to know what you're in for. Is it the same as you remember it? Yes...and no. Lynch, ever known for his weirdness, is no longer operating under the wing of ABC network interference this time around and has been given full creative control for these 18 episodes. As you can probably expect, Lynch when he isn't being reigned in is Weird with a capital "W", but unfortunately for those fans looking for more of the same old "Twin Peaks" you're used to, Lynch isn't serving up that. Oh, the main players are all back and the town still has a neat local dive with some dreamy musical acts, but this is a bigger story in terms of scope and vision.

For one, the series is not confined to the town of Twin Peaks and features many characters in different locations. As for the tone, Lynch obviously saw the opportunity to go all out on his weird style with no one to reign him in, and go all out he does. This is bad news for those expecting a traditional, linear plot to unfold, but great news for those who loved the more surreal aspects of the original series.

There are long, drawn out scenes of dialogue, or sometimes just actions. The pacing is often slow and deliberate. The insanity of the original series finale comes to the fore and gets served up in heavy doses. If the original managed to pull in some viewers for the murder mystery despite the quirky aspects of the series, this one disregards those fans altogether by refusing to throw them a bone. Oh, there is a story here, but it's no longer centered around a marketing campaign masquerading as a murder mystery and it isn't going to be told in clear and cut A to B fashion. You have to either be willing to follow Lynch on where he wants to take you or give up in frustration and part ways. Because in terms of differences, that seems to be the main one here: Lynch is doing this his way...and you're either with him or not. This doesn't make it easy on traditional viewers, and I fully expect them to be out once they get to the end of the premiere.

Me, I am loving the fact that there is nothing else like this on TV. The same could be said of the original when it aired, and it's shocking how much changes and yet stays the same considering we're 25 more years along and it still takes David Lynch to serve up something truly unique on television. What have these other guys been doing? My boyfriend watched an episode of "Sense8" when I was finished watching the premiere, and the difference in what is passing as entertainment today felt like I had gone from a pristine environment with "Twin Peaks" to breathing in pollution. This is the perfect antidote for someone tired of having their emotions led and manipulated by TV shows that tell you exactly how to feel and think. It's not going to cater to you or babysit you like a child. If requires patience and imagination, and for those willing to stick with it, the results can be so rewarding. Think of it as a purge from all the derivative crap we watch without even realizing how banal it is. Because it takes watching this new "Twin Peaks" to realize just how mediocre our "hit" shows really are. I look forward to being cleansed once a week for the next few months.
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