The DVD cover includes a quote that reads "the true story of the Ashland county murders." Naturally after getting a hold of a copy of this movie, prior to viewing it, I had to check reviews, relative info, verify factual data if any, etc. as I would with any found footage film that purports to be "true" in any way.
The TRUTH seems to be that there are in fact murders in Ashland county. In fact there are A LOT OF THEM. However, there seems to be no single case of hikers being killed in the woods, nor of any police being killed during the investigation of said crime(s).
My initial thought was, before any research or viewing, that perhaps someone took an actual unsolved case and simply embellished, or out right constructed the missing details that might, or could have happened, but again, THIS most certainly is not the case.
After reading the only critical (honest, not production personnel) review of this .... movie I thought to myself, "Well if there's a single redeeming quality here I will certainly find it," but once again, THAT was not the case.... well, almost not.
While the portrayal of Miller (by J.B. Miller) is a very very bad combination of an over the top William Shattner mixed with an over the top Jesse Ventura, the second interviewee (listed on screen as Anjelique Martin) gives the only credible performance throughout the entirety of this disaster. She convincingly delivered her testimony much like any witness you might find in a "credible" paranormal investigation show.
What was the case is that this "...found footage classic that was removed by youtube" was probably taken down because it is unbearably bad and I really want to stress the word UNBEARABLY to anyone/everyone reading this.
The only "contamination" you can count on when viewing this is to whatever good mood, hopes and positive attitude you might have had prior to the realization that there are no aliens who will be coming to give you an anal probe and relieve the pain and embarrassment you'll surely be feeling within the first THREE minutes of viewing.
Of course their failure to arrive won't be because they don't exist, but because its quite likely that if they do they are intelligent enough to remain light years away from even a glimpse of this abominable waste of video.
The TRUTH seems to be that there are in fact murders in Ashland county. In fact there are A LOT OF THEM. However, there seems to be no single case of hikers being killed in the woods, nor of any police being killed during the investigation of said crime(s).
My initial thought was, before any research or viewing, that perhaps someone took an actual unsolved case and simply embellished, or out right constructed the missing details that might, or could have happened, but again, THIS most certainly is not the case.
After reading the only critical (honest, not production personnel) review of this .... movie I thought to myself, "Well if there's a single redeeming quality here I will certainly find it," but once again, THAT was not the case.... well, almost not.
While the portrayal of Miller (by J.B. Miller) is a very very bad combination of an over the top William Shattner mixed with an over the top Jesse Ventura, the second interviewee (listed on screen as Anjelique Martin) gives the only credible performance throughout the entirety of this disaster. She convincingly delivered her testimony much like any witness you might find in a "credible" paranormal investigation show.
What was the case is that this "...found footage classic that was removed by youtube" was probably taken down because it is unbearably bad and I really want to stress the word UNBEARABLY to anyone/everyone reading this.
The only "contamination" you can count on when viewing this is to whatever good mood, hopes and positive attitude you might have had prior to the realization that there are no aliens who will be coming to give you an anal probe and relieve the pain and embarrassment you'll surely be feeling within the first THREE minutes of viewing.
Of course their failure to arrive won't be because they don't exist, but because its quite likely that if they do they are intelligent enough to remain light years away from even a glimpse of this abominable waste of video.