In viewing this film, I expected an updated interpretation of "Strangers on a Train", but I was WAY off.
This film appears to have been made by film school students that, unfortunately, we not doing well in the course. The dialog could have been written by a child. The lack of character development supports that theory, and the plot was predictable (yawn). The delivery was amateurish, forced and, in some cases, over the top. The acting teacher had should have been (and no doubt was) ashamed although the 'director' has to share some of the blame for this disaster.
Now let me comment on the cinematography: IF it was done on a cell phone (and I suspect it was) then it was not bad, however, if it were done proper movie equipment wow .
That brings us to the music. The background music was not bad. That is the FIRST time. Now I know that if something works you stick with it, but the composer should have been told that there are more than 8 bars to a piece of music, and repeating them over and over and over and over well, just gets boring.
The weak dialog, cardboard characters, high school drama club acting, poor technical execution and boring score lead me to ask only one question: WHY?
This film appears to have been made by film school students that, unfortunately, we not doing well in the course. The dialog could have been written by a child. The lack of character development supports that theory, and the plot was predictable (yawn). The delivery was amateurish, forced and, in some cases, over the top. The acting teacher had should have been (and no doubt was) ashamed although the 'director' has to share some of the blame for this disaster.
Now let me comment on the cinematography: IF it was done on a cell phone (and I suspect it was) then it was not bad, however, if it were done proper movie equipment wow .
That brings us to the music. The background music was not bad. That is the FIRST time. Now I know that if something works you stick with it, but the composer should have been told that there are more than 8 bars to a piece of music, and repeating them over and over and over and over well, just gets boring.
The weak dialog, cardboard characters, high school drama club acting, poor technical execution and boring score lead me to ask only one question: WHY?