9 March 2018
I just saw "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" (2016) and it was absolutely wonderful. All the performances were good. I didn't hate the kid and Sam Neil was very good as Hector. There was a very believable bond between Ricky and Hector, and when they had the "get mad at each other and leave" scene, it didn't feel forced (partly because of the subject matter) and I loved that it didn't go on for too long. All the cinematography was fantastic. It was very funny and I love the kind of dark sense of humor that the movie had. I think this had a great soundtrack! and it's not just great songs that already existed and wasn't composed for the movie (though there was a lot in there), also the composed music is really good. It gives off a very mysterious feeling. All the characters were very likable, and not stereotypes (except "psycho sam"), and it was great. I wouldn't give it a 10/10 like some people are, because it has some problems. There was some stereotypes in the movie, (An example being "psycho sam" being the conspiracy theorist stereotype) I think there should have been some more time devoted to the relationship between Ricky and Bella, and I think the plot was kinda predictable. But, I still think this movie was very fun and enjoyable, and I'll definitly recommend it. i give this a 8/10
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