I've never been a Wonder Woman fan, the ridiculous outfit always put me off much alike Superman and at time of writing haven't even watched the live action Gal Gadot film
For this reason I went into this expecting very little so found myself blown away by just how good it is.
Essentially an origin story it follows Diana from birth through to adulthood and her double pronged first mission to return a pilot to the world of man and to defeat Ares God Of War who has escaped confinement.
It never fails to amaze me how good the voice talent is in these things. Here we have Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Alfred Molina, Rosario Dawson, Marg Helgenberger, Virginia Madsen, David McCallum and one of my favorite actors Oliver Platt.
They do a fantastic job here as do the animators and the writers, I really enjoyed this. Is it ground breaking? Hardly, but considering it was a movie about a character I don't much care for they really knocked it out of the park.
The Good:
I love greek mythology
Very well written
Great voice cast
The Bad:
I still can't take the invisible jet seriously
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Don't believe the lies about the stork or the sex thing, my eyes have been opened! Babies are molded from sand.
Fighter jets float
The man who created Wonder Woman was born in the 1800's, let that sink in
Heroes have no appreciation for property damage
Being attacked by a god causes instant sobriety
The question who ate all the pies has been answered, it was hades
For this reason I went into this expecting very little so found myself blown away by just how good it is.
Essentially an origin story it follows Diana from birth through to adulthood and her double pronged first mission to return a pilot to the world of man and to defeat Ares God Of War who has escaped confinement.
It never fails to amaze me how good the voice talent is in these things. Here we have Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Alfred Molina, Rosario Dawson, Marg Helgenberger, Virginia Madsen, David McCallum and one of my favorite actors Oliver Platt.
They do a fantastic job here as do the animators and the writers, I really enjoyed this. Is it ground breaking? Hardly, but considering it was a movie about a character I don't much care for they really knocked it out of the park.
The Good:
I love greek mythology
Very well written
Great voice cast
The Bad:
I still can't take the invisible jet seriously
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Don't believe the lies about the stork or the sex thing, my eyes have been opened! Babies are molded from sand.
Fighter jets float
The man who created Wonder Woman was born in the 1800's, let that sink in
Heroes have no appreciation for property damage
Being attacked by a god causes instant sobriety
The question who ate all the pies has been answered, it was hades