A common term that has been bouncing around Game developers of late has been that single player games are dead and that multiplayer games are the way of the future due to their popularity. God of War came to blow that statement out of the water and it did just that. What I love most about this masterpiece is the people behind it. Within just the first hour of playing you can really tell that the incredible team at Sony Santa Monica poured their hearts into this game.
Within a short period of time we are introduced to new and yet familar Kratos and his son Atreus. The combat feels fresh and as fluid as ever. But nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the feeling of throwing the Leviathan (Kratos Axe) for the first time only to recall it and feel a slight rumble in the controller as you catch it makes you feel like you are actually Kratos. The greatest part of this game is getting to watch and experience the relationship between Kratos and Atreus grow and evole into one of the most epic Father/Son stories told of all time. What blew my mind was that a game that has rougly a 20-25 hour story plus with an additional 10-15 hours of side content to tackle is that it is all done in one seemless shot. Thats right no breaks to cutscenes, no loading screens, nothing! Apart from when you die of coarse. I can honestly tell you there were times that I wasnt sure if I was supposed to controll Kratos or if it was a cutscene because they are both as one when it comes to God of War. Even as the end credits roll you are never taken away from the game. That's right it throws you right back into Midguard to finish any unfinished tasks you may need to complete. I have played every entry in the God of War series and I can honestly say this is their greatest one yet.
From its gripping and appealing story, incredible scense of immersion to its fluid and addictive combat it is safe to say Sony Santa Monica has officially set the standard of single player games to a whole new level and has changed the way we play games forever. So thank you to everyone at Sony Santa Monica for this incredible experience and I look forward to seeing the next Chapter in the God of War series.