I can understand how this film would offend a lot of folks, Catholics in particular. I'm Catholic myself, and I think you almost need that perspective to be 'in' on some of the characters and humor in the story. Though I do find the excessive use of the 'F' word to be off-putting and tasteless, I think there was the germ of a good idea presented here with the suggestion that God can be appreciated better as a thoughtful and loving Deity than a harsh and demanding one. I mean, even George Burns thought so when he took on the role. That business about the plenary indulgence loophole was kind of a brilliant stroke, but I don't think God would allow himself to be taken in that easily by the kind of argument posited by the story's main premise. But hey, nice try on the part of writer and director Kevin Smith, who's role as Silent Bob can be appreciated for the fact that he actually does say something from time to time. If there's a major downside to the picture it would be that hideous excremental creature concocted for the lowest common denominator movie fans. That could have been left out and the picture wouldn't have suffered a bit. As for the choice of Alanis Morrisette as 'God', well, by that time in the story I think there was a point to be made about the whole concept of God and religion, and that the question of the Infinite is just a bit too much for any individual to contemplate and understand, so go with an interpretation you can be at peace with. After that, just say a prayer.