Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were comedic geniuses, individually and together, and their partnership was deservedly iconic and one of the best there was. They left behind a large body of work, a vast majority of it being entertaining to classic comedy, at their best they were hilarious and their best efforts were great examples of how to do comedy without being juvenile or distasteful.
Their previous short films were variable in quality, a couple decent and most average or just above, only '45 Minutes from Hollywood' misfired. 'With Love and Hisses' is not a step backwards but not a return in the right direction either. It is nice and entertaining, more than watchable in an inoffensive way, but later offerings make far better use of Laurel and Hardy and their partnership and are much funnier, including its remake as mentioned by a few here. 'With Love and Hisses' felt like they were not yet fully formed and yet to properly find their feet.
'With Love and Hisses' looks quite good and hardly the work of an amateur. James Finlayson is amusing and even better is Laurel who is great fun, 'With Love and Hisses' is worth watching for him alone.
There are very amusing, like the ending, and charming moments and the pace is generally very energetic.
Hardy however deserved more to do and much funnier material, and even more so that 'With Love and Hisses' misses the chance to utilise their chemistry properly. 'With Loves and Hisses' doesn't really feel like Laurel and Hardy, due to Hardy having little to do and their chemistry barely existent.
Not everything is funny, too much of it being predictable and not being sharp enough in timing, some of it surprisingly broad for early Laurel and Hardy with a vulgar edge at times. The story is very slight, barely existent in fact, and erratically paced, sometimes too busy while not getting going soon enough.
In summary, worth a look but hardly a Laurel and Hardy essential. 6/10 Bethany Cox
Their previous short films were variable in quality, a couple decent and most average or just above, only '45 Minutes from Hollywood' misfired. 'With Love and Hisses' is not a step backwards but not a return in the right direction either. It is nice and entertaining, more than watchable in an inoffensive way, but later offerings make far better use of Laurel and Hardy and their partnership and are much funnier, including its remake as mentioned by a few here. 'With Love and Hisses' felt like they were not yet fully formed and yet to properly find their feet.
'With Love and Hisses' looks quite good and hardly the work of an amateur. James Finlayson is amusing and even better is Laurel who is great fun, 'With Love and Hisses' is worth watching for him alone.
There are very amusing, like the ending, and charming moments and the pace is generally very energetic.
Hardy however deserved more to do and much funnier material, and even more so that 'With Love and Hisses' misses the chance to utilise their chemistry properly. 'With Loves and Hisses' doesn't really feel like Laurel and Hardy, due to Hardy having little to do and their chemistry barely existent.
Not everything is funny, too much of it being predictable and not being sharp enough in timing, some of it surprisingly broad for early Laurel and Hardy with a vulgar edge at times. The story is very slight, barely existent in fact, and erratically paced, sometimes too busy while not getting going soon enough.
In summary, worth a look but hardly a Laurel and Hardy essential. 6/10 Bethany Cox