Review of Yumeji

Yumeji (1991)
15 June 2018
Unwatchable. Thought at first this was some '60s stoner trash, but, after checking, saw that it was made in '91 (when they should have known better). First shot is a double-exposure of chicks hitting underinflated beach balls into the air. "Why am I watching this?" I wondered (and kept wondering throughout). Involuted plot of infidelity, jealousy and murder is talked about in the past tense, but never fleshed out in the present. This detachment and disconnect deflates the movie like those beach balls. "Ghosts" come and go, in-between unappealing, asthenic nudity and sex, and meaningless, introverted dialogue and still shots. So much artsy-fartsy posturing, so little time. Someone, somewhere, sometime must have thought this was "hip."
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