Review of Bottom

Bottom (1991–1995)
It may be puerile and crude but it is also utterly hilarious
10 November 2018
This crude comedy series is centred on Richie Richard and Edward Hitler; a couple of unemployed losers living in Hammersmith. Over the course of eighteen episodes they get into a number of situations where things inevitably turn out for the worse or their feeble plans fail miserably. Their frequent arguments inevitably end up with violence.

If you object to puerile humour you won't like this but if crudity and slapstick violence amuse you then you should find this hilarious... more than once I laughed till I cried I found it so funny. Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson are great as Rich and Eddie; in many episodes the only characters to feature. The violence is so over the top, in the manner of a 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon, that it is no longer disturbing. Characters recover from serious injuries, including having legs removed with a chainsaw, by the next episode. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to fans of lowbrow humour.
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