This film takes place in rural Australia in 1965 at an all-male boarding school with a young man named "Danny Embling" (Noah Taylor) recounting what his life was like during this time. As it so happens, while watching a rugby game with his good friend "Gilby Fryer" (Bartholomew Rose) Danny just happens to meet an attractive African girl named "Thandiwe Adjewa" (Thandie Newton) who attends the all-female boarding school across the lake. Although their conversation doesn't last for more than a minute or two both of them feel a certain chemistry toward each other which results in further meetings--some sanctioned and others in clear violation of school policies. But as their affections for one another increase so too does the risk with each secret rendezvous. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a good "coming of age" film which successfully dealt with the emotional attachments of two people for one another against a backdrop of racial prejudice. That being said, although I liked the performances of both Noah Taylor and Thandie Newton, I must admit that I thought the ending could have used a bit of improvement. Even so, I enjoyed this film for the most part and have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.