Mega Man: Fully Charged (2018–2019)
A really fun watch
30 October 2018
This show is not bad, it's not canon to any of the Mega man series so it can be enjoyed as its own thing but it does pick some elements from the classic series like the robot masters and main characters who've been redesigned well, fireman and doctor light for example look great. Fully charged has sort of like a monster of the week formula which can admittedly get a bit stale and the hero talk from Aki can get a bit annoying but the characters are fun and i enjoy the interaction in the light family, but the robot masters show up multiple times keeping the story of each episode interesting and we get to know more about them not necessarily character development (not yet at least). There are a lot of references to past mega man games which some of older fans would get, if you're a mega man fan give this a watch
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