Typical Australian "comedy" that portrays men as childish larrakins who get into all sorts of silly situations and then use goofball, half brained strategies to 'solve' these. Half the time it is the 'sensible' wives (who hey should have always gone to in the first place) who fix things.
The idea of portraying men in traditionally female situations (i.e. as the primary carer for children) is a nice change from the traditional portrayals by why do the advertisers and television production companies have to make fun of these situations "ha ha ha men are too stupid to do this, ha ha ha".
There are a lot of men out there doing this for real and doing it well but we never see this.
I'm glad this show is cancelled but very much doubt that they will show competent house husbands in any show any time soon
The idea of portraying men in traditionally female situations (i.e. as the primary carer for children) is a nice change from the traditional portrayals by why do the advertisers and television production companies have to make fun of these situations "ha ha ha men are too stupid to do this, ha ha ha".
There are a lot of men out there doing this for real and doing it well but we never see this.
I'm glad this show is cancelled but very much doubt that they will show competent house husbands in any show any time soon