10,000 Days (2014)
I know ...
5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers* "I know" that this "kinda cheap" version of an apocalyptic tv movie ... has been absolutely butchered by most reviewers, but I like where it was headed ... sort of. One thing I do not like is, there almost ALWAYS has to be that one IDIOT voice of contention ... who always thinks you have to KILL and TAKE everything you want, and not just stay a part of the community and work together, for the greater good. The "bad guys" (so-to-speak), are actually mostly family members of the "good guys", who just did not want to get along with everyone else. They've gone to calling themselves "clans", living out on the ice, and spending every waking moment plotting how to take what appears to be the only remaining building left on the planet, away from the good guys ... (oh, if you coulda just got along with everyone else and STAYED THERE in the first place)! What appears to be a kind of "saving grace" is, towards the last third of the show, they (good guys) actually find AIR FORCE ONE under the ice. Needless to say, there are some things on board that could significantly help a group who is just trying to survive. BUT, there is also something on board that could destroy any hope of ever having anything close to a return to something close to a regular life (the "bad guys" find out about this because of a Romeo & Juliet kind of relationship between a good GUY and a bad GIRL). She tells about the discovery because, evidently, Big Daddy King bad guy, is not above threatening the lives of children (who he claims he's trying to SAVE), to make "Juliet" divulge how to sneek into the "good guy" building, to steal their equipment). At the very end, we discover something that can change everyone's entire way of life (if only they can check it out, verify the "hope", and get back in time to tell everyone before the bad guys start the war to end all existence)! Seems worth another "movie of the week ... or two", or even one or two short seasons on "hoodoo, voodoo, yoohoo, or some other streaming service", etc. But, we already know THAT didn't happen. I would like to have seen if they coulda made it more interesting, with a little more time?
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