Review of High Voltage

High Voltage (2018)
Insults One's Intelligence
2 January 2019
I just found this movie to be quite awful, with terribly lame and stilted dialogue throughout.

Jimmy (David Arquette), Rachel (Allie Gonino), and Scott (Ryan Donowho) form a band called Hollow Body. Gonino is the lead singer and has an appealing voice, to go with her sultriness and charisma.

However, one night suffering from stage fright, she's struck by lightning in a car with her mother who had come to drive her home. Thereafter, Gonino becomes some type of a possessed electrically charged demon. Yes, it does sound ridiculous and it is.

I would say do yourself a favor and avoid this turkey, as it's seriously hokey and below even B-movie quality, in my opinion.

To note, there were no subtitles on my DVD copy.
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