This film is alleged to be part of the Lovecraftian horror genre, and there appears to have been some concept work done prior to writing the bulk of the script, which runs much like a Latin soap opera. However the concept work fails to deliver anything that Lovecraftian horror is made of, and even following its own premise, this film falls apart.
A 2000 year old metamorph, even with a sketchy memory, would know so much about human behavior, that they would be completey incapable of the histrionic/borderline head games that this girl plays out with the 'protagonist'. She would have to have given herself a total lobotomy to endure such a banal runaround, but she had not, according to her dialog.
The main character was perfectly written as ignorant fodder. His fate should have been food for Louise, and his dying screams a satisfying end to his drivel about true love.
If this movie had *at least* had an optional ending in which Evan is eaten during Louise's transformation, I would rate this film with 8 stars, because I could watch the entire thing again with my own head canon - a story arc consisting of Louise knowing from the outsdet that Evan is a sacrifice, and the entire brief romance is a game for her; a horrific tragedy for him. That would have been an interesting horror romance.
I mean come on! 2000 years of life, and you'd throw away immortality for a drunk american leg-humper? It a bit of an insult to the audience's intelligence, and the alternate ending that is included in the BlueRay confirms what we (and Louise) should expect from Evan.
A 2000 year old metamorph, even with a sketchy memory, would know so much about human behavior, that they would be completey incapable of the histrionic/borderline head games that this girl plays out with the 'protagonist'. She would have to have given herself a total lobotomy to endure such a banal runaround, but she had not, according to her dialog.
The main character was perfectly written as ignorant fodder. His fate should have been food for Louise, and his dying screams a satisfying end to his drivel about true love.
If this movie had *at least* had an optional ending in which Evan is eaten during Louise's transformation, I would rate this film with 8 stars, because I could watch the entire thing again with my own head canon - a story arc consisting of Louise knowing from the outsdet that Evan is a sacrifice, and the entire brief romance is a game for her; a horrific tragedy for him. That would have been an interesting horror romance.
I mean come on! 2000 years of life, and you'd throw away immortality for a drunk american leg-humper? It a bit of an insult to the audience's intelligence, and the alternate ending that is included in the BlueRay confirms what we (and Louise) should expect from Evan.