Interesting Weird West film (i.e. western horror mash-up) had potential, but instead becomes laughably bad. Wesley Snipes plays a cursed gunman who's victims come back as the undead. Snipes is solid as the strong silent gunslinger (basically Blade in a duster), and at times the film has strong visuals, with bright incongruous colors that echo Jodorowsky's "El Topo," so I'll give the filmmakers credit for trying to do something original, but overall this attempt at a genre mash-up comes off as unintentionally laughable. While this film wanted to be "Into the Badlands" it ended up being closer to the "Wild Wild West" movie remake. Overall, this film is only for hardcore Snipes fans. Patrick Bergin and professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page also appear in this disappointment. FUN FACT! "Gallowswalkers" was originally set to be filmed back in 2005 as "The Wretched" with Chow Yun-Fat in the lead!