The movie begins with a montage of what feels like too many images: a man and a woman fence, two women undress for the benefit of an ugly corporate type watching them, a woman gets out of the bath and shows full frontal nudity. Yet two more women have sex on a rug. Some of these encounters turn violent for the men involved.
Shannon Whirry, whose presence is the only reason I'm watching this movie, makes an appearance, and has a conversation with her husband. Then they have sex.
The guy that Whirry just had sex with is approached about his car by two cops, which quickly leads to an unconvincing shootout. The guy escapes. I should have known he was supposed to be a criminal when I saw his leather jacket.
Then shadowy suited figures look at photos of Whirry and talk about how she wasn't very bright to get involved with a small time crook.
Sexy women pretend to be broken down on the side of the road to stop a prison bus that was apparently transporting Whirry, whom they shoot with a red dot sight. Why was she arrested anyway? For being "involved" with a criminal? Since when was that illegal?
"There will be times when we find that sex is your greatest weapon", says a lady to several sexy young women inside a mansion-like house. Intercut is footage of a naked young lady in a shower with an ugly bald man. There is apparently a knife hidden inside a sponge that she uses to kill him with an absolute minimum of effort.
But maybe he didn't die? One of the suits threatens the other with the fact that the girl - not sure if it was the one we just saw - ran away before she could kill the guy. If the suit doesn't turn up a proper killer soon, he'll be in trouble.
Of course, Whirry didn't really die, even though the bullet we saw loaded into the gun that shot her would kill a rhino. Her unconscious body is taken into the basement of a building where she is administered to by a nurse. She has a little bruise on her breast where the bullet hit her, visible over the cup of her lacy white bra. The beleaguered suit from before, now wearing a labcoat, is also there, and explains that Whirry has had her death faked. He gets violent with her, grabbing her by the hair, and we see that the last girl we saw is apparently being tortured.
We then get a shower scene from Whirry in which she assaults a man who she catches watching her. We get full frontal nudity from her which is splendid as always.
Whirry then tries to escape, easily incapacitating two guards and even getting the gun off of one. Of course, she is stopped, by the evil foreign suit-man form before, and is strapped to the same torture device we just saw the other girl in. They use it to put some device in Whirry's neck that can kill her if she does something wrong. Whirry shrieks and grunts, sounding more inconvenienced than in fear of her life as you might expect her to be.
Then both the empty suit foreign doctor guy and his nurse start getting very 'hands on' with Shannon, if you catch my drift. Apparently his nurse is a lesbian.
We then get scenes of Shannon training on the mansion grounds, crawling through obstacles and running around, while someone pointlessly fires a machine gun. These scenes are intercut with her fighting one of the other girls, who really sucks at doing push-ups.
The other girl nicknames Shannon "Hot Stuff", which is a nickname that might reasonably be applied to her as well. The movie wants you to think that this is a top secret training ground for assassins, as in "La Femma Nikita", but it looks more like a third-rate modeling school.
There is then a scene in which the women are shown undressing and caressing each other, inexplicably. "Aren't you going to invite me to your party?" Whirry asks.
The other girl, Whirry's rival, is apparently the queen bee of this group of girls, like in a women in prison (WIP) flick. What could have been a very erotic scene of two naked girls in the sauna in cut very short by her intrusion as her hench-women take one of them and dunk her in the pool. Whirry intervenes.
There is then a scene where Whirry tries to defuse a bomb which is inexplicably located on the premises. Her rival tries to stop her and they fight and then make up in record time. Another girl leaves and they discuss her possible future.
The ugly bald guy from before makes another appearance. A nurse - perhaps the girl we just saw leave - comes to visit him, probably to kill him. Another woman undoes the buttons of her nurse's uniform, exposing her white bra, and the man attacks her, trying to rip her clothes off, exposing her nipple. A couple of people then get shot.
Perhaps because she failed, the nurse from before is then seen strapped into that torture device that got Shannon earlier.
Shannon talks about removing the killswitches.
Her rival approaches a group of other women, mostly wearing bustiers, and has an obscure conversation, which is interrupted by the empty suit guy, who gives her a mission.
We get scenes of people running around doing espionage type stuff, which plays out pretty uninterestingly, while a girl strips off her shiny black dress to expose her obviously fake - though not all that big - breasts and her black '90s g-string.
We get scenes of Whirry hijacking a middle Eastern cab driver, while her rival plants a bomb, or defuses a bomb, or something.
Her rival is caught and tortured with electrocution, but Whirry saves her.
They are then saved by a guy who looks like the criminal Whirry was involved with at the beginning of the movie, though he seems to have had a haircut. We get some scenes of action that are typically low-end and boring. Nobody watches a movie like this for its fight scenes, but they put them in anyway, and they take up way too much time, making your mind seriously wander.
If the lame shoot out sequence wasn't enough, we then get a dreaded car chase, making the action scenes go even longer.
"Dangerous Prey" is enjoyably silly, but it really doesn't have enough sex and nudity to qualify for the softcore title. Whirry's babin' rival doesn't even show any nudity. It's more a z-grade rip off of movies like "Nikita" and "The Assassin".
Shannon Whirry, whose presence is the only reason I'm watching this movie, makes an appearance, and has a conversation with her husband. Then they have sex.
The guy that Whirry just had sex with is approached about his car by two cops, which quickly leads to an unconvincing shootout. The guy escapes. I should have known he was supposed to be a criminal when I saw his leather jacket.
Then shadowy suited figures look at photos of Whirry and talk about how she wasn't very bright to get involved with a small time crook.
Sexy women pretend to be broken down on the side of the road to stop a prison bus that was apparently transporting Whirry, whom they shoot with a red dot sight. Why was she arrested anyway? For being "involved" with a criminal? Since when was that illegal?
"There will be times when we find that sex is your greatest weapon", says a lady to several sexy young women inside a mansion-like house. Intercut is footage of a naked young lady in a shower with an ugly bald man. There is apparently a knife hidden inside a sponge that she uses to kill him with an absolute minimum of effort.
But maybe he didn't die? One of the suits threatens the other with the fact that the girl - not sure if it was the one we just saw - ran away before she could kill the guy. If the suit doesn't turn up a proper killer soon, he'll be in trouble.
Of course, Whirry didn't really die, even though the bullet we saw loaded into the gun that shot her would kill a rhino. Her unconscious body is taken into the basement of a building where she is administered to by a nurse. She has a little bruise on her breast where the bullet hit her, visible over the cup of her lacy white bra. The beleaguered suit from before, now wearing a labcoat, is also there, and explains that Whirry has had her death faked. He gets violent with her, grabbing her by the hair, and we see that the last girl we saw is apparently being tortured.
We then get a shower scene from Whirry in which she assaults a man who she catches watching her. We get full frontal nudity from her which is splendid as always.
Whirry then tries to escape, easily incapacitating two guards and even getting the gun off of one. Of course, she is stopped, by the evil foreign suit-man form before, and is strapped to the same torture device we just saw the other girl in. They use it to put some device in Whirry's neck that can kill her if she does something wrong. Whirry shrieks and grunts, sounding more inconvenienced than in fear of her life as you might expect her to be.
Then both the empty suit foreign doctor guy and his nurse start getting very 'hands on' with Shannon, if you catch my drift. Apparently his nurse is a lesbian.
We then get scenes of Shannon training on the mansion grounds, crawling through obstacles and running around, while someone pointlessly fires a machine gun. These scenes are intercut with her fighting one of the other girls, who really sucks at doing push-ups.
The other girl nicknames Shannon "Hot Stuff", which is a nickname that might reasonably be applied to her as well. The movie wants you to think that this is a top secret training ground for assassins, as in "La Femma Nikita", but it looks more like a third-rate modeling school.
There is then a scene in which the women are shown undressing and caressing each other, inexplicably. "Aren't you going to invite me to your party?" Whirry asks.
The other girl, Whirry's rival, is apparently the queen bee of this group of girls, like in a women in prison (WIP) flick. What could have been a very erotic scene of two naked girls in the sauna in cut very short by her intrusion as her hench-women take one of them and dunk her in the pool. Whirry intervenes.
There is then a scene where Whirry tries to defuse a bomb which is inexplicably located on the premises. Her rival tries to stop her and they fight and then make up in record time. Another girl leaves and they discuss her possible future.
The ugly bald guy from before makes another appearance. A nurse - perhaps the girl we just saw leave - comes to visit him, probably to kill him. Another woman undoes the buttons of her nurse's uniform, exposing her white bra, and the man attacks her, trying to rip her clothes off, exposing her nipple. A couple of people then get shot.
Perhaps because she failed, the nurse from before is then seen strapped into that torture device that got Shannon earlier.
Shannon talks about removing the killswitches.
Her rival approaches a group of other women, mostly wearing bustiers, and has an obscure conversation, which is interrupted by the empty suit guy, who gives her a mission.
We get scenes of people running around doing espionage type stuff, which plays out pretty uninterestingly, while a girl strips off her shiny black dress to expose her obviously fake - though not all that big - breasts and her black '90s g-string.
We get scenes of Whirry hijacking a middle Eastern cab driver, while her rival plants a bomb, or defuses a bomb, or something.
Her rival is caught and tortured with electrocution, but Whirry saves her.
They are then saved by a guy who looks like the criminal Whirry was involved with at the beginning of the movie, though he seems to have had a haircut. We get some scenes of action that are typically low-end and boring. Nobody watches a movie like this for its fight scenes, but they put them in anyway, and they take up way too much time, making your mind seriously wander.
If the lame shoot out sequence wasn't enough, we then get a dreaded car chase, making the action scenes go even longer.
"Dangerous Prey" is enjoyably silly, but it really doesn't have enough sex and nudity to qualify for the softcore title. Whirry's babin' rival doesn't even show any nudity. It's more a z-grade rip off of movies like "Nikita" and "The Assassin".