Review of Schramm

Schramm (1993)
Had hoped for better, still powerful viewing though
11 April 2019
German art house movie about a lonely, sexually frustrated, middle aged serial killer. Being a Manfred O.Jelinski/Jorg Buttgereit, production you can expect sex, death, extreme gore (despite what some reviewers claim, there are a few hard to stomach scenes here) and plenty of surrealism. Personally I found the plot hard to follow, even though it is quite basic, and had to read a full synopsis post viewing to fully understand it. This may now make a second viewing better. Buttgereit is a talented film maker,low budgets obviously not being an issue for him, however Schramm certainly did not live up to his two Nekromantic movies and overall I felt a little disappointed. I watched this on German VHS, here in Britain it still does not have a BBFC certificate but I'm confident that in these more enlightened times Schramm, should it ever get submitted, should be passed uncut without any fuss.
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