I say Good Bad as it's one of those films you know you shouldn't watch but somehow end up seeing through to the end.
Although I am on my second bottle of wine as I write this review.
The actors perform well above par for this kind of fare (if you can accept the Hollywood Style Teenagers - where the average age is 16 going on 30, although this could be a piss take).
The film definitely tries it's best to keep up the tension and action. Which is quite impressive given it looks like there was virtually was no SFX or make up budget. Or any budget at all really.
To summarise: a passable film to watch on your second bottle of wine.
Although I am on my second bottle of wine as I write this review.
The actors perform well above par for this kind of fare (if you can accept the Hollywood Style Teenagers - where the average age is 16 going on 30, although this could be a piss take).
The film definitely tries it's best to keep up the tension and action. Which is quite impressive given it looks like there was virtually was no SFX or make up budget. Or any budget at all really.
To summarise: a passable film to watch on your second bottle of wine.