Review of Nina

Nina (II) (2018)
No Emotional Connection to the Characters
19 May 2019
This Polish drama centers on Nina and Wojtek's (Julia Kijowska and Andrzej Konopka) desperate attempt to find a surrogate mother for their baby. After Nina accidentally backs into a high school students car, they seem to think they might finally have found the right woman. Eliza Rycembel portrays the student Magda, who is gay and highly impulsive.

However, things will soon go "off the rails", and without writing too many spoilers I'll just say they'll all eventually go down a rather dark and twisted road. I could never connect emotionally with any of these characters, and the filmmakers just seemed to be trying to shock with constant nudity and lesbian sex scenes rather than character development.

Overall, this movie just didn't work for me on any level and i was glad when it was over.
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