I would like apologizes with Italians filmmakers and all people who really loves this exotic and unique sub genre from western, firstly for many times devalue one thing for that matter didn't understood completely, it takes so long to reach in this final point, l used to compare those spaghetti with American classic westerns, then l've realize that those classic western were a personal style introduced by American usually focused in a male hero, as Cooper, Wayne, Murphy, stewart and so on, instead the exotic sub genre created by Italian filmmaker were driven to their odd characters modeling a quant variation that established for itself ever since, in this picture we have a exactly sample whom l'm talking about, a wounded boy rescued by a preacher, when he grow up has in first meeting with a gun, his skillful wasn't explained, he uses a rope to carry the gun, the characters all around no make sense at all, the bell and all are a true elements of the this meaningful sub genre they don't need any Waynes or Coopers they are quite opposite in the whole concept, these pictures were unique, colorful unusual characters were the key's success of this kind, please my fellow friends once more my deep apologizes to my lack of experience to enjoy such delightful sub genre!!
First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25
First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25