Easy Street (1917)
The Little Tramp in a policeman's uniform
11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title page for this movie stated Chapter 4, Charlie in "Easy Street". I don't know what that's all about and didn't read anyone else's review that commented on it. What's interesting here is that Chaplin's Little Tramp character is in fine form, but he's wearing a policeman's uniform!, twirling a baton and utilizing his familiar ambling, side to side shuffle as he strolls down the street. Intent on helping out his neighborhood fellow travelers, 'The Derelict' (Chaplin) engages in various acts of charity, though one might consider it questionable when he robs a sleeping grocery vendor to supply food to a penniless woman. Upon subduing a neighborhood bully (Eric Campbell), the story devolves into a familiar pattern of fighting and brawling, though there's a scene that required a double take and rewind when Chaplin's character encounters a drug user handling a hypodermic needle while laying in wait for Charlie to come in contact. It was one of the more 'sit up and take notice' scenes I've ever come across in a Chaplin short.
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