So why watch TV Movies?
To be honest, when you have time to spare they are not a bad way to waste time - better than Jeremy Kyle or Loose Women. There's even the chance you may come across a great film, which I have. Though you'll more than likely get some average dross that's been rehashed a million times before, but is acted and directed well. However, that leaves the last type - The Abysmal - which this title falls into dead centre.
I've always like evil twin stories. It's the fact that, though they are identical on the outside, inside is quite a different matter. This brings in a lot of possible conflicts between the twins. How good is the virtuous one? Can they be manipulated? Or are they the alpha? How bad is the naughty one? Are they the manipulator? Are they the alpha in the relationship? Bring in other outside influences and you have the basics for a lot of differing storylines.
The writer, Alix Reeves, adds absolutely nothing new. It even appears he doesn' even try. What we get are all the usual stereotypes within this sub-genre; none of which are built on. The story feels stale and old. You've seen it all before and better crafted.
Add to this the lackadaisical direction of John Murlowski and you get a low-grade film, not worth watching. There is one scene that is worth a mention. On the day of the picnic where the twin's nutso mother gets out of rehab for the day, Murlowski does a nice job of the head to head the mother has with one of her daughters. This is the best shot of the whole film. It is even memorable. Wish he'd one better with the rest.
It doesn't help that the actresses and actors also appear weary of the whole thing too. Most of the time, they shuffle from scene to scene and speak their lines, without putting in much effort. You don't get any atmosphere from them, the directing, and the story.
Though I do have to point out Jacy King as sister Cassie is superb at being nuts. Even the guy who played Kevin, Scott Bailey, gave a decent performance. At least a couple were taking it seriously... come on people, entertain us.
I could not recommend this film to anyone. It's so passive and mediocre I can't even endorse it as a movie showing inspiring filmmakers how not to do it.
Just stay away from this bad twin...
To be honest, when you have time to spare they are not a bad way to waste time - better than Jeremy Kyle or Loose Women. There's even the chance you may come across a great film, which I have. Though you'll more than likely get some average dross that's been rehashed a million times before, but is acted and directed well. However, that leaves the last type - The Abysmal - which this title falls into dead centre.
I've always like evil twin stories. It's the fact that, though they are identical on the outside, inside is quite a different matter. This brings in a lot of possible conflicts between the twins. How good is the virtuous one? Can they be manipulated? Or are they the alpha? How bad is the naughty one? Are they the manipulator? Are they the alpha in the relationship? Bring in other outside influences and you have the basics for a lot of differing storylines.
The writer, Alix Reeves, adds absolutely nothing new. It even appears he doesn' even try. What we get are all the usual stereotypes within this sub-genre; none of which are built on. The story feels stale and old. You've seen it all before and better crafted.
Add to this the lackadaisical direction of John Murlowski and you get a low-grade film, not worth watching. There is one scene that is worth a mention. On the day of the picnic where the twin's nutso mother gets out of rehab for the day, Murlowski does a nice job of the head to head the mother has with one of her daughters. This is the best shot of the whole film. It is even memorable. Wish he'd one better with the rest.
It doesn't help that the actresses and actors also appear weary of the whole thing too. Most of the time, they shuffle from scene to scene and speak their lines, without putting in much effort. You don't get any atmosphere from them, the directing, and the story.
Though I do have to point out Jacy King as sister Cassie is superb at being nuts. Even the guy who played Kevin, Scott Bailey, gave a decent performance. At least a couple were taking it seriously... come on people, entertain us.
I could not recommend this film to anyone. It's so passive and mediocre I can't even endorse it as a movie showing inspiring filmmakers how not to do it.
Just stay away from this bad twin...