Leviathan (2014)
Cliché upon cliché
13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off well - you have about half an hour of interesting material. An innocent man is victime of corruption, and one of his friends, who is a lawyer in Moscow, comes to help him.

Nonetheless curruption is in the way, etc. etc. etc.

Then, out of the blue - contemporary art cliché #1 - the innocent man's wife starts an affair with the lawyer. Of course this is completely out of the blue, and has no previous link to anything, nor does it really make more sense than "hum, i guess people are horny".

The movie, from then on, goes on a downward slope. All the interesting elements from the beginning disappear, and all you are left with is a bad rewrite of Jobe's story, with a lot of biblical references all over. It was a mix of very predictable, and "crippled with plot holes".

The actors were quite ok, the scenery was beautiful, it was filmed ok, nonetheless, a poor and weak script, filled with clichés, upon clichés of déjà vu, doesn't do much for me, even if it's put in a Russian context.

In this film you have about 30 minutes of interesting material. The rest is a waste of time, an absolute bore. After having seen this movie I was filled with annoyance at having wasted time seeing this very forgettable film, which for some reason was celebrated by an artsy-fartsy clique.
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