This show really appeals to the whole ideal that we've all done some cringey stuff in our early teens and want to forget it ever happened. This series goes over that, but also how some kids develop a whole make believe world to escape trauma and harsh realities.
I first started watching this show cause I thought the whole reminiscing of past cringe offenses really funny. But I stayed for the very sweet and wholesome storyline.
It's not for everyone but it's clean, goofy and sweet fun. Definitely worth watching through once. I laughed and my eyes watered a little bit in some moments.
I first started watching this show cause I thought the whole reminiscing of past cringe offenses really funny. But I stayed for the very sweet and wholesome storyline.
It's not for everyone but it's clean, goofy and sweet fun. Definitely worth watching through once. I laughed and my eyes watered a little bit in some moments.