Overboard (2018)
Tired, Tiresome And Pointless
25 November 2019
I granted this a 3 solely on the presence of an underused Anna Faris, who, ironically, is sometimes compared to Goldie Hawn. Hollywood especially has a habit of saddling unwanted labels or expectations and such comparisons rarely end well. In this case, Farris - a good performer in her own right, witness House Bunny or even Scary Movie 1 to 3 - deserves better than half baked comparisons...or a lame remake that I doubt even Goldie Hawn in her 80s heyday could have salvaged.

Eugenio Derves may as well have remained in his coma for all the energy he brings, but like Farris, he's given little to work with beyond laboured jokes and contrived situations, all painfully magnified by some mediocre direction and a witless script.

Eva Longaria was credited a producer, and while I think she has some honourable intentions generally, it makes me wonder why this was even made - this is just another remake with a couple of gender swap gimmicks tagged on; nothing can hide the lack of creative energy, or the staleness of a storyline suffocating in its own dead air.
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