Rogue Warfare (2019)
2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wasted $ paying for this on PPV...i never write reviews, but this movie is so bad on every element of moviemaking. Spoiler...the "team" diffused a dirty bomb. Then, even though the bad guy leader was not killed or captured, they just leave it in the village...omg, absolutely hilarious it is so bad...then, when they walk off from bomb, and though their pseudo-team leader is still a hostage, movie ends with "The Team Will Return." Omg, a sequel to the worst movie ever made, but no, it's a TRILOGY! LOL, you have to be joking...I could go on and on...the diabolical mad man bad guy, who by some amazing moviemaking speaks English with his own people through 80% of the film during VERY LONG speeches, but for some reason switches to whatever language, could have been killed 3 or 4 times...there were so many bad cliches and horrible military tactics, I just can't, it was absolutely horrible from start to finish.
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