Money doesn't buy happiness....but it does buy some really annoying children.
26 December 2019
The Washburne family is very rich and they're having a party at their mansion for their friends. Through the course of the film, you see that although rich, the Washburnes are a bunch of jerks. The father has two loves...money and adultery. The grown children are spoiled idiots--with the son spouting communist ideology while sponging off his father and the daughter a very annoying brat. In contrast, the poorer folks seem happier and far better adjusted....and that's the obvious message of this movie.

So is it any good? Not especially....which isn't a surprise since it's a cheap B-movie from Chesterfield Pictures. The major problem is the script, as it really didn't know what to do with the message....and the film just seemed to end with nothing actually being resolved. Easy to skip.
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