Strangerland (2015)
What? is this some kind of joke?
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I watched this purely because of the strap line ' they confront the mystery of their children's fate'. But HEY WAIT, be careful, read it again, it's deceitfully, it 'cleverly' states as they 'confront' the mystery, so they, AND you will not find out what actually happens, you will just watch them 'confront' it. Yep, confront it, not find out why, but faff around wondering what happened. And why do we not not find out? because the writer did not have enough talent to think what might have happened to them. Instead the movie ends without us finding out about this 'fate'. Anyone can write a beginning and middle, it's only a story when you can write an end too. Writer must have connections to the movie industry, should be sued for false advertising.

Insecure types will love it, they don't need and end you see, 'cos they're weely weely clever and don;t need such obvuoisunesnesness.
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