Review of Girl Wired

Girl Wired (2019)
Has all the earmarks of a homemade movie.
2 January 2020
I came across this very small, very low budget independent movie on Amazon Streaming. It caught my attention because the story features a girl prodigy of about 12 who gets a chance to do medical research at Stanford as a graduate student. But we never get to that point.

After spending some time with it I did NOT find it worthwhile, mostly I am disappointed that Amazon offers it to subscribers.

Most of the script is cringe-worthy, all the acting is cringe-worthy, the lighting and filming have all the look of an amateur production, it reminds me of the old home movies I made on VHS with my kids acting roles.

I don't really want to trash the actors or filmmakers, I'm sure they did the best they could, but anyone considering watching it should be prepared for a completely amateur, cringe-worthy movie. The kids are annoying, the adults are annoying, there really isn't anything of substance in the whole movie.
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