Although I personally do not believe in classification of cinema but going by the popular notion, Asur is the new age Bengali mainstream cinema. And it is an excellent example of good film making. Right at the beginning of the new decade Asur makes an impact with the audience with a potent mix of reality and fiction in the backdrop of Durgapuja.
Pavel's script, screenplay and direction is spot on. He is one director to look out for in this decade. Pavel scripted the lead characters well. Cinematography is superlative with the camera capturing the essence of Kolkata (from Academy to Maidan and bylanes) with aplomb. Excellent BGM by Bikram Ghosh. Songs are good.
Jeet in a de-glam look of a eccentric artist gives a decent performance (thought I found him a bit over the top in few scenes.). Nusrat Jahan delivers her career best performance. Abir Chatterjee in a grey character steels the show. He delivers an excellent performance as a ruthless corporate leader on one hand and a loving father, deprived husband on the other.
The film engages the audience till the climax. Although the climax is bit melodramatic but there are a few twists which the audience will enjoy.
In all, Asur is a good watch with a strong concept that revolves around Bengali art, culture and heritage.