Kingdom Hearts II (2005 Video Game)
This journey into the Disney world just does not feel as fun as the first
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I see I am in the minority with this opinion on IMDB seeing as how the score for it is over nine; however, I just felt this sequel to the popular Kingdom Hearts falls short of that game by a lot. I literally started playing it when it first came out and lost interest in it and never completed it until 15 years later on the PS4. I am not saying it is bad, it is a pretty good game and the combat is fun, the story is the problem as it is a convoluted mess and it also seems less ambitious in scope than the first game. I realize this originally came out on the PS2, but that being said, so did Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas so you cannot tell me some of the worlds in this game could not have been larger and more detailed.

The story follows Chain of Memories, which is one of the reasons I started off on the wrong foot playing this one. If you do not play that game, you are going to have no idea what is going on with this one at the start. You play as Roxas, a mysterious boy who seems to have ties with Sora. Soon Sora, Donald and Goofy are awake and once again must go to other Kingdoms in the hopes of finding Riku and King Mickey. They will have to deal with Maleficent who returns as well as the strange new creatures known as Nobodies and Organization XIII whose plans are vague at best.

The game play is the same as before as we have action combat. Sora has new abilities and a crappy new ability to craft stuff that is a pain. They take away finding dalmatians and the trinity stuff and replace them with pieces of slider puzzles which I did not collect all of any of them! They also took a lot of the fun from the first game and replaced it with tedium! Out are Alice's world, the whale, Peter Pan's world and Tarzan and in are Tron world, Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast and Lion King. I would say the two games are roughly the same size, but I feel the first game was bigger as the last world before fighting the final boss in it was much larger than the one here.

So, the game had its moments and it is fun at first going to new worlds and revisiting old ones, but it never comes close to being as fun as the first game. It is better than Chain of Memories, but that is not saying much quite frankly. I also feel they did not incorporate Disney well enough into the story as the first game as they seem almost an after thought here and at the end Donald, Goofy and Mickey are all left out of the final fight. I am hoping the third is more enjoyable and brings back some of the charm of the first game as this one is just so all over the place story wise as it never even shows us what happens to Maleficent and Pete after they prepare to battle an army of Heartless....
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