The debut of the big staircase as the sun sets on the Tiger Clan sets
27 January 2020
The Golden Lion is a Robin Hood character. The rich try to stop him by hiring a bounty hunter. Chiu Hung, as the title character, is hit by a poison claw. He seeks a specialist for a cure. The plot then revolves around the dilemma of a doctor treating a criminal. The doctor's family is also involved.

The sets were always a big deal in Shaw Brothers productions. At about the 45 minute mark a panorama of most of the "Tiger Gang" area is shown. This features long standing sets such as the black pagoda and the long bridge. After being used in many movies these sets were ready to be replaced. A new set, the "big staircase" is first seen at about the 11 minute mark and it will be in more movies to come.

There are just enough fights so you don't forget you are watching a martial arts movie. Almost all involve swords or other weapons. The fights are all competent, well executed, and not repetitive but there are no "wow" moments. I rate it average for the year and genre.
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