Note: I stopped watching during season 4, and I have no intention of watching further.
This show was designed for fans of Airplane!, The Naked Gun, Top Secret, and comedies of that sort. As one of those fans, it was a happy relief to see the style return. Angie and cast continously fire off play-on-words jokes with stoney faces that contrast the utter absurdity of the situation.
Season 1 - Every single line is a joke, is setting up for a joke, or has a joke going on in the background. The rapid barrage of witty hilarity will force you to pause frequently or stifle your laughter so your laughs don't drown out the next joke. Brilliantly written to keep you in stitches. 9/10
Season 2 - While it's clear the writers spent all their best jokes in the first season, season 2 is still good for several laughs per episode (the astronaut had me laughing so hard I couldn't breathe). I recommend you stop watching after this season. 7/10
Season 3 - Clearly low on jokes, the entire show shifts away from the witty/senseless humor of the previous seasons. Instead, it focuses on parodying the detective genre, making this feel almost like an entirely different show than the previous seasons... and this show isn't nearly as funny. 4/10
Season 4 - Now officially out of jokes, they desperately turn to parodying several TV series popular at the time that this season was airing. 3/10
This show was designed for fans of Airplane!, The Naked Gun, Top Secret, and comedies of that sort. As one of those fans, it was a happy relief to see the style return. Angie and cast continously fire off play-on-words jokes with stoney faces that contrast the utter absurdity of the situation.
Season 1 - Every single line is a joke, is setting up for a joke, or has a joke going on in the background. The rapid barrage of witty hilarity will force you to pause frequently or stifle your laughter so your laughs don't drown out the next joke. Brilliantly written to keep you in stitches. 9/10
Season 2 - While it's clear the writers spent all their best jokes in the first season, season 2 is still good for several laughs per episode (the astronaut had me laughing so hard I couldn't breathe). I recommend you stop watching after this season. 7/10
Season 3 - Clearly low on jokes, the entire show shifts away from the witty/senseless humor of the previous seasons. Instead, it focuses on parodying the detective genre, making this feel almost like an entirely different show than the previous seasons... and this show isn't nearly as funny. 4/10
Season 4 - Now officially out of jokes, they desperately turn to parodying several TV series popular at the time that this season was airing. 3/10