Safe Spaces (2019)
This is not a comedy.
20 February 2020
This is not a comedy.

This is a rare and honest look at the Millennial / Gen Y & Gen X. It is disturbing to say the least, and shows modern liberal American society in all it's dark glory. It was hard for me to watch this film, because I actually wanted to hit (yep) some of the characters in the movie for their over sensitivity and detachment from reality.

In real life - as Gen X will hopefully soon learn - there are no safe spaces. The only coherent character in the film was of Justin Long - a decent human being being forced to the corner by literally everyone around him. It is shocking to see how the liberal academia are behaving now. and I feel this was a good representation of what is going in colleges and universities around USA at the moment (Berkeley, anyone?).

Gen Y & Gen X had it too good now for too long. Their entitlement and self importance is over shadowing any effective processes that can be achieved - if given the chance - at any college or university classroom. These kids are unchallenged because of too much emotional safety regulations some pompous academics decided to implement in schools all over America. I always considered myself to be a left-wing liberal before understanding that I am actually now being moved to the center-right by these people. Young Americans are being thrown into smaller and smaller social groups, branding everyone else as their enemy for some reason. Yes, social media and smartphones have a lot to be blamed for, but not just. It is their parents and sometime their grandparents who forgot somewhere along the way that kids need to be constantly challenged intellectually in order for them to develop a meaningful and proactive life choices. The safety net that the liberal left has flanged across America will come tumbling down one day in such a crashing noise that we will probably feel the tidal waves of it until the end of this century.

10 years ago, when I became vegan, I thought I was doing the right thing, in line with my generation. Now I feel that the liberal-left agenda has been pushed too far. Only time will tell where it leads us.

This film is disturbing mirror into current American social trends. It is recommended viewing, if you have the stomach for it.

Justin Long is one of my all time favourite actors, and I would basically watch any film he is in. I am grateful to the writer / director of this film, Daniel Schechter, for giving him the opportunity to shine in this role,
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