Review of Zuma

Zuma (1985)
Too Long But Not bad
23 March 2020
Kind of a tough movie to find and possibly not worth finding in the first place. The "Zuma" character is pretty cool-looking and the mechanical snakes on his shoulders have their charm, despite the crudeness of the overall effect. There is some decent action, nudity, and gore towards the beginning and the film really had potential but blows it. My main gripe about this movie is the 141 minute run time-it's too much. I assume the idea was to keep it in line with the comic book story it's based on, but I have no idea what the comic book was about and honestly don't care. The film starts off strong but gets stupid after Zuma gets zapped by his "daughter". From that point, it might as well be another movie and the thing just drags. This would have been a lot better if they had cut out the drama and kept the time down to around 90 or 100 minutes-that's all a film like this needs to get the point across.

One scene that cracked me up was when "Philip" needs to use his girlfriend "Isabel" to lure Zuma into a trap. Why? Because Zuma only goes for virgins. The girl is hot, so what's up with Philip?
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