1 April 2020
This is one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen. You know something strange is on the screen when you hear the opening score of this movie which is done in part by some German band I have never heard of called Autobahn. It sounds like bad 70s disco with possibly German lyrics which vary from being screamed like Bonnie Tyler to Kate Bush style twee musings. However oddly enough the soundtrack fits well with whats on the screen. I learned a number of things about Germany from this movie. They really do enjoy a good moustache, especially when worn with a sleeveless T-Shirt. Lots of Germans have red hair, probably more than in Ireland and that fashion is about 10 years behind. This looks like a late 70s disco movie. The story itself seems more suited to a TV soap than a movie. Its basically a young couple intent on "freedom" who move to the city to get away from parental supervision. The boy joins the army while the girl moves in with a gay drag queen uncle and his lover. The other narrative going on is a low level gangster story which at times reminded me of the Pusher movies. But its simply not that well done. The gangsters in this movie look like Miami Vice on a budget, plenty of mullet haircuts, cheap chains and badly fitting cheap suits. There isn't anyone in the movie you will particularly care about and the action is pretty low level, at stages the love story looks like one of those photo stories with captions that used to appear in girls magazines, intent on giving girls the "correct' message about what boys are after. There is however a decent payoff at the end though. Oh and another thing I learned about Germans, they take their clothes off alot and the men are all angry alot the time, plus their bullies are all very short. Remind you of anyone? Frankfurt, coming to a Rifftrax near you soon. Hopefully.
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