A saloon owner searches for a 'medicine arrow' which he believes is the key to huge wealth. A prime example of what happens when you try to cram a size 18 body into a size 10 article: most everything falls out - and what stays in is a lumpy mess that's unpleasant to gaze upon. Custer's Last Stand is a 5+ hour serial condensed down to 90 minutes, and the results are predictably shoddy. Custer is a peripheral figure, just one of a large cast whose heydays were either behind them or never to materialise, and his famous Last Stand is little more than half-a-dozen Indians listlessly circling a group of three or four white men. 'Hopelessly outnumbered,' Custer and his men each meet a death of comical hokiness. I have to say one expects better from a movie with character names like Striker Martin, Keen Blade and Kit Cardigan.