Lake Placid (1999)
"Ma'am, your husband Bernie, you didn't by any chance lead him to the lake blindfolded?"
25 April 2020
Really enjoyable and fun "horror" movie about a ferocious giant crocodile picking people off from a secluded lake in Maine. Its worth watching just for a foul mouthed Betty White who steals the show but an excellent B monster movie.

This doesn't take itself too seriously and the cast all bounce well off each other as the investigative team, local Sherriff and crazy crocodile hunter. The dialogue is clever, filled with witty banter, and a sweet but not in your face romance between Bill Pullman and an initially super annoying Bridget Fonda,- whose character softens the more she (keeps) getting thrown out of the boat.

Really enjoyed Oliver Platt as the big game hunter and his barb filled exchanges with sheriff Brendan Gleeson. There a couple of awesome croc kills especially the first one with guy getting bit in half. Surprise! Gave me several laughs and is the kind of feel good movie you'll watch multiple times

The ending is just perfect... thanks again to Betty White.
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