Thottappan (Godfather) is a brilliant Malayalam production with some fascinating photography, electric performances, chirpy background score (that uses country samples), and some tight editing making you gape in awe, all of which makes it a breathtaking experience even if the plot struggles with some pacing issues and unanswered questions. Shanavas Bavakutty has outsmarted himself after Kismath (2016) with the absolute finesse that he directs his actors with. The level of detailing in Vinayakan's gait as well as his mannerisms should be jointly attributed to him and Bavakutty. And to get the best out of both newcomers and proven actors like Roshan Matthew and Manoj K Jayan is a task no easy. Yet what will stay with you after you complete watching this thriller drama is the beautiful scenes of the Kerala backwaters that just seems to act as a favourite backdrop for Malayalam cinema lately. All I can say is that I approve. Thottappan is a very good experience that you need to encounter in the biggest screen and the loudest audio system. Plus one to Priyamvada Krishnan for a great debut performance. TN.