Really did like the idea of the story and who doesn't like a good old adventure yarn once in a while? The cast is an agreeable one, although Robert Taylor was a bit hit and miss for me as an actor depending on the role on paper this sounded like a role that would suit him well. Stewart Granger and Ann Blyth were always watchable, as was Lewis Stone (here sadly in his last film). Richard Thorpe to me was a competent director but at times an undistinguished one.
'All the Brothers Were Valiant' was somewhat disappointing unfortunately, and am taking no pleasure in saying this being somebody that really wanted to like it very much. It is definitely worth a one-time watch and has a lot of fine things. 'All the Brothers Were Valiant' also, considering such a stirring title and that the idea was great, could have been a lot better, with the drawbacks being a fair few and sadly quite big.
Will start with the good things. 'All the Brothers Were Valiant' is a great looking film with the expense showing. Would actually go as far to say that the Technicolor photography in particular is stunning, very lavish and sweeping. Nearly forgot to mention Miklos Rosza as being another interest point, a great film composer with an immediately recognisable compositional style. Which one can definitely hear here in 'All the Brothers Were Valiant', it's arresting from the very first note and is typically lush with some nice grandeur and atmosphere.
It as a film starts off very well and the action oriented scenes are colourfully staged. The bag of pearls flashback is agreed the story highlight. Most of the cast do really well. Taylor's role suits him really well and plays to his strengths, he's on good form here. As is Granger, a nice rivalry contrast to Taylor. The supporting cast are very good, especially Peter Whitney.
However, Blyth fares a lot less well. She has next to nothing to work with, or anything that stands out, and she looks as if she knew that in a performance that doesn't show that much effort. The romantic chemistry came over as bland and watery. Stone does decently and is typically reserved in his cameo but he deserved a better final film and a bigger role. The script is pedestrian and overwrought.
Likewise with the romantic element of the story, which generally after a promising start gets very silly to suspending disbelief level and predictable. Do agree that the ending does undo the film quite badly, it's ridiculous and not remotely plausible. It was like the writers didn't know how to end the story so came up with what was forced upon them. Thorpe's direction gets the job done but too often, especially dramatically, it's undistinguished and like his heart wasn't completely in it.
Bottom line, watchable but doesn't have enough to it to rise above average. If only the rest of the film lived up to its promising start and good potential. 5/10
'All the Brothers Were Valiant' was somewhat disappointing unfortunately, and am taking no pleasure in saying this being somebody that really wanted to like it very much. It is definitely worth a one-time watch and has a lot of fine things. 'All the Brothers Were Valiant' also, considering such a stirring title and that the idea was great, could have been a lot better, with the drawbacks being a fair few and sadly quite big.
Will start with the good things. 'All the Brothers Were Valiant' is a great looking film with the expense showing. Would actually go as far to say that the Technicolor photography in particular is stunning, very lavish and sweeping. Nearly forgot to mention Miklos Rosza as being another interest point, a great film composer with an immediately recognisable compositional style. Which one can definitely hear here in 'All the Brothers Were Valiant', it's arresting from the very first note and is typically lush with some nice grandeur and atmosphere.
It as a film starts off very well and the action oriented scenes are colourfully staged. The bag of pearls flashback is agreed the story highlight. Most of the cast do really well. Taylor's role suits him really well and plays to his strengths, he's on good form here. As is Granger, a nice rivalry contrast to Taylor. The supporting cast are very good, especially Peter Whitney.
However, Blyth fares a lot less well. She has next to nothing to work with, or anything that stands out, and she looks as if she knew that in a performance that doesn't show that much effort. The romantic chemistry came over as bland and watery. Stone does decently and is typically reserved in his cameo but he deserved a better final film and a bigger role. The script is pedestrian and overwrought.
Likewise with the romantic element of the story, which generally after a promising start gets very silly to suspending disbelief level and predictable. Do agree that the ending does undo the film quite badly, it's ridiculous and not remotely plausible. It was like the writers didn't know how to end the story so came up with what was forced upon them. Thorpe's direction gets the job done but too often, especially dramatically, it's undistinguished and like his heart wasn't completely in it.
Bottom line, watchable but doesn't have enough to it to rise above average. If only the rest of the film lived up to its promising start and good potential. 5/10