As empty as it can get
3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I fell asleep during watching it, which I wish I did, nothing would change, or at least maybe my dream might turn out to have better plot. But it's easy to have a better plot compared to nothing to begin with.

I don't know where to start, it's empty from start to finish. Is this what people call "art"? Couple of fools driving around, betting their life on luck and on winnings from cards and from freaking horse races? Oh man, you are in for a treat if you relate to mundane life such as this.

Characters show zero intelligence, they just do things with no understanding. Why go to Florida? Why leave that poor woman in snowy city alone? Or that dude who had to pay for movie tickets. Stuff just happens, she cleans the dirty apartment her cousin lives in, then steals from the market, then he buys her a dress. His friend has a crush on her which leads nowhere. What has this guy been doing these 10 years in New York? Playing solitare with himself and losing?

Just lame, I'm impressed people can sit through this and clap after it ends. I'm sure none did, but you should like something like this to feel like you understand art, right? Oh it's multicultural message, not willing to accept your heritage? Wow, impressive. "Where did she get all this mooneyyy?" "Is this her hat? It looks like her hat". Mess.
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