Funny that I watched SHOCK CORRIDOR last week and read ONE FLEW OVER A COCKOO NEST again two days ago. I did not foresee this program. The two best stories ever about mental institutions; but I am sure there are some more, unknown, from Eastern Europe countries for instance. Anyway, this film starring Stu Whitman and Lauren Bacall, is very good too. Bacall is excellent in this role of the evil woman, she is effective at one hundred percent, but her character - AND NOT HER PERFORMANCE - is not as powerful as Louise Fletcher's one in Milos Forman's masterpiece. The role of the female master, the Devil's sidekick in charge of the lead actor and the mental institution. Yes, this film, though not being on the same scale of the other two is worth watching, even less depressing and gloomy too. I don't know if it was released in France. Not sure. You can prefer THE SNAKE PIT, from director Anatole Litvak, psychiatric institutions shown from another angle.