One of the most important (and emotionally devastating) war movies of all time.
10 May 2020
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is an incredibly devastating movie which will leave you as an emotional wreck by the end... trust me. Even so, it is one of the sides of the war which is rarely shown in cinema and as a result, is a very important view and should be watched by everyone. I originally watched this movie in Secondary School when i was no older than 13 (my English teacher must enjoy watching kids cry). It has stuck with me ever since, and still to this day it leaves me speechless.

The story is told from the perspective of 8 year old Bruno, which provides the audience with a different perspective to the war that isn't seen too often. From an innocent mind. This only helps to make the movie's ending so much more powerful. Without giving anything away, this movie will stick with you for a long time.

The movie itself has been created beautifully. The cinematics, sound and editing is amazing and really helps create the perfect picture. I want to mention separately how good the actors were though. Some of these scenes wouldn't have been anywhere near as effective if it wasn't for the acting. 10/10. Makes me so proud of the British film industry :')

I highly suggest you watch this movie. Just have some tissues ready.
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